Intuitive Counseling and Soul Journey Consultations
Intuitive Counseling Sessions
Would you like to live a deeply connected life, one that allows you to nourish yourself by honoring the wisdom of your true nature? Intuitive counseling sessions are an opportunity to guide, mentor and support you on your path to wholeness. These sessions are for people seeking support for their life path, spiritual growth and healing journey. My purpose is to provide tools and dedicated guidance to assist you in broadening your awareness, create deeper understanding of what is happening in your life, and discover a trusted inner source of wisdom so that you may experience more fully who you are on a soul or divine level. My intention is to empower and support you to create healing awareness and life-affirming change.

My firsthand experience of the transformational power of non-judgmental teachings, as well as decades of experience in healing energy work, spiritual practice, Reiki, natural intuitive abilities, mentoring, and a sincere desire to be of service, enable me to bring a diverse array of tools, teachings and skills to compassionately support your intention for growth.
When we claim our wholeness and give of our gifts, life feels more fulfilling and joyful. Intuitive counseling can bring about peace and comfort and empower you to create the life you are called to live.
Soul Journey Consultations
A Soul Journey is an intuitive reading in which I call upon and connect with your Spiritual Guides to request insights, guidance and healing for you. Questions regarding relationships, career, health, spiritual evolution and other issues can be addressed in a journey. Insights provided may reveal patterns, conditioning or perceived limitations, as well as offering wisdom and suggestions as to how you can create balance, integration and wholeness in your life. The loving guidance is intended to support you in accessing your highest potential.
Scheduling a Consultation
Intuitive counseling sessions are one hour appointments.
Soul Journeys are approximately an hour in duration, however, please allow extra time for these appointments.
Consultations are done over the phone. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call me at (828) 337-4686 or send me an email.
To see the rates, or to pay for a consultation, please go to the Rates page.